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they use rupiah for the currency

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Q: What is the name of money from Indonesia?
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Do Thailand and Indonesia use the same form of money?

No it does not. Thai use Baht as the currency.

What kind of money do they use in Indonesia?

In Indonesia, the money used is the Rupiah. As of 2011, the population of Indonesia is almost 240 million people.

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What money should you take to Indonesia?

The currency in Indonesia is the Rupiah, so sou must exchange your money into Rupiahs before traveling to Indonesia.

What is Indonesia's official name?

Indonesia's official name is republic of IndonesiaOr as the Indonesians say: Republik Indonesia

What is Indonesia's money?


How much is one pound of gold cost in Indonesia?

500,000 indonesia want the money and get the money indonesia is very expensive country and rich if u dont wanna waste ur money dont go there

What is the official name of Indonesia?

republic of Indonesia

Indonesias money is called?

The currency of Indonesia is called the Indonesian Rupiah, abbreviated as IDR.

How did Indonesia get its name?

The name Indonesia was invented by a German Anthropologist from two words "Indo" and "Nesis".

What do people in Indonesia call their money?


Is there a limit to sending money to Indonesia?
