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Perseus killed Medusa by cutting off her head and Pegasus came out of her neck. Bellephron was the hero who actually rode Pegasus.

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The myth of Perseus and the gorgon Medusa is quite well known. See 'related links' for more details.

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Q: What is the myth of Perseus and Pegasus?
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Related questions

Who was the first rider of Pegasus?

Bellerophon. Perseus did not ride Pegasus. Perseus

Did Medusa's blood spill?

Yes. When the Greek hero Perseus cut of Medusa's head, the blood turned into a pegasus. (winged horse) The story of Bellerophon and the pegasus is a diffrent myth.

How did myth pegasus discovered?

Pegasus was a mythological winged horse in ancient Greek mythology. According to legend, Pegasus was born from the blood of the Gorgon Medusa after she was slain by the hero Perseus. Pegasus was tamed and ridden by the hero Bellerophon, who used him to defeat the Chimera.

What symbols are best associated with Perseus?

I wouldn't say that Perseus has any obvious symbols but my guess is that Pegasus is best affiliated with Perseus because Pegasus was born when Medusa was slain by Perseus. Pegasus sprang from Medusa's blood. I gave it a shot :-)

Did perseus ride pegasus?

No.Renaissance artists replaced Bellerophon (according to Greek mythology was the tamer of Pegasus), with Perseus.

What animal is connected to Perseus?

Perseus is associated with Pegasus, the winged horse.

What is pegasus's roman name?

The myth of Pegasus is Greek in origin (Perseus is one of Greece's "founder kings") so there is no Roman analog for him. As such, since the name is already in proper syntax, they just called him Pegasus.

What part of greek is pegasus from?

pegasus sprang from the blood of Medusa after perseus killed her

What is the names in the pegasus?

Bellerophon is the hero originally associated with Pegasus, but, later, Perseus became associated with Pegasus.

How was Pegasus born what did he do to Medusa?

When Perseus cut off the head of Medusa Pegasus was born.

Where did Pegasus came from?

Pegasus sprang forth from the neck of Medusa when she was beheaded by the hero Perseus.

Did Medusa turn into Pegasus?

No, Pegasus was born from Medusa's blood, when Perseus cut her head off.