Yes in most instances.
School violence is when there is something violent happening at a school. The most recent outbursts of school violence have been shootings.
The comparative is "more violent"; the superlative is "most violent".
Sadly most good internet games are filtered because they could be violent and disrupting. Well excluding hacking at cows with a wooden axe minecraft is not violent!
No Artemis was not the most violent goddess
Boxing is the most violent sport
The year with the most violent tornadoes on record was 1974, with a total of 36 tornadoes rated as violent.
Most aussie schools start a 6 am- 8 am
Most students seem to play "suden attack" this has led violent thoughts and etc.
No. The most violent eruptions involve felsic magma.
the most violent gang in America is aryan brother hood
Sports are considered the most violent social institution.