Under Mexico rules, airguns are not firearms and so not covered or controlled. Several high power PCP rifles are freely available, Evanix, Career etc. There is not FPE restriction, so it is legal and possible to own airguns with higher FPE outputs than firearms, which are more tightly controlled.
None. Weapons and ammunition are illegal in Mexico.
No. .243/6.5mm is the minimum allowed for deer in NC.
First, it is rifle, not riffle. Second, no, or we would shoot tanks with a rifle. Cannon are more powerful. Finally, depends on the rifle. I have a .22 rifle and a .44 magnum pistol. The pistol is far more powerful than the rifle. I also have a .22 pistol, and a 30-06 rifle. The rifle is far more powerful than the pistol (in THAT example).
You need to tell us which rifle. Chances are that there is some legal way to own it.
Mexico, 1887- the 7mm Mondragon rifle
According to federal law the shortest barrel length allowed for both rifle or shotgun is 16 inches.
There is no most powerful airsoft sniper rifle that you can just buy. But, Iv'e heard of guys tuning them over 800fps with custom parts. My most powerful is 600fps.
Yes. Pump, Spring and PCP (PreCharged Pneumatic) are all more powerful than a C02 system
caliber limitations are set by the hunting ministry in your region, eg 243 for deer(smallest) 22lr for smll game eg rabbits and so on
30-06 is much more powerful.
A Remington 308 rifle is a very powerful rifle that should only be made available to qualified individuals. This kind of rifle can be found from Gun Broker.