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Q: What is the most numerous of all governments in Texas?
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Related questions

Do all governments have representatives?

No. All governments do not have representatives. When the United States was established, most governments did not have representatives.

I'm just looking for the name of the actual government not the name of a person but who governs all the Texas governments?

The Governor of the state of Texas is the Chief Executive of Texas, therefore the Governor's office would be the chief governing body of all of Texas, and Governor Rick Perry is the curent governor of Texas.

What 3 powers do all governments have?

The 3 basic powers that all governments have are legislation, judicial and execution. These powers are separated in most countries into their respective branches.

Which part of Texas has the most resources?

Central Texas has the most oil. That is where all of the money comes from, hence the most resources.

Need a guide for your next Texas deer hunting adventure?

There are numerous websites featuring guides that are available for hunting trips in Texas. It all depends on what you're hunting, as well as what part of Texas you'll be in. One company that covers all of Texas and may have good information is

Which of these is probably the most important reason that governments formed?

to promote the well being of all

Are there more foreclosures in Houston than in other cities in Texas?

No, Houston, Texas is not the city in Texas with the most foreclosures. The city in Texas with the most foreclosures over all other cities is actually Dallas, Texas.

What state is a tornado most likely to occur?

Although tornadoes occur in all states, the state with the most tornadoes is Texas.

What is the part of speech for texas?

People in Texas speak all different types of languages. Most people in Texas speak Spanish.

Do all governments have representitives?

No, some governments are not democratic.

Why do youn think fishes are the most numerous of all vertebrates and the most widespread in their distribution?

because they vary their habitat

How many unlicensed firearms in Texas?

All of them. Texas does not license firearms. As is the case with MOST US states