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Q: What is the most favoured country in the world?
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Lots of Australians drink coke and it is a favoured mixer. I is probably the most widely available drink in the country.

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Which country is the most technologically advanced in the world?

The Most Industrialized country in the World is.........................................................Japan.

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japan is the most healty country in the world

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Michael Phelps

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At this current time, Naruto.

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Most Favoured Nation

What is the most fun country in the world?

The most fun country in the world from my experience is Australia.

Which is most populous country?

The most populous country in the world is China, with over 1.4 billion people.

What is the most urban country in the world?

In terms of country size and urban density, Japan would be the most urban country in the world, but the country with the most urban area is China.