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The are a vast majority of trees in Taiga but the most common one is the apple tree.

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Q: What is the most common tree in taiga?
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What type plant life dominates the taiga?

coniferous trees

Does taiga have the most biodiversity in deciduous tree species?

actally The diversity of tree species in the taiga is quite low

What is the most common herbivore in the Taiga?

the American elk

Where do tree bark beetles live?

They live in most taiga biome areas.

What is a animal in the taiga that adapted in the ecosystem?

One type of tree that lives in the Taiga is the coniferous tree and it adapts to the Taiga because its leaves droop down when snow heavily builds up on it.

Why are there no animals in the northern taiga?

there are no food for animals to eat because the only thing that are in northern taiga is tree and animals can't eat tree

Is the wolverine the most common animal in the taiga?

No, it actually isn't. It is one of the rarest. It is pretty amazing if you can see one because there are only a few in the Taiga.

What is the most common tree in Washington?

The most common tree in Washington is Douglas-fir

Is a pine tree part of taiga?

Yes, it is.

What are the extinct plants in the taiga?

Some extinct plants in the taiga include the giant club-moss (Lepidodendron), the scale tree (Lepidodendron), and the Calamites tree (Calamites). These plants existed during the Carboniferous period and are no longer found in the taiga biome today.

What is a thing that lives in the taiga that starts with the letter j?

Jack Pine is a tree that grows in the taiga. It is a tall tree with waxy pine needles and rough bark.

What type of trees grow in the taiga?

the type of tree that grows in taiga are: the confeirous trees and many more