about 304 miles (mi)
The driving distance from Tulsa, OK, USA to Columbus, MS, USA is about 571.36mi / 919.51km
It is 2,187 miles according to Google Maps.
It is 640 miles from Tulsa, OK to Indianapolis, IN.
The setting is Tulsa, Oklahoma in the 1960's.
Tulsa, OK is 5262 miles from Venice, Italy. A flight from Tulsa, OK to Venice, Italy takes about eleven hours.
The address of the University Of Tulsa is: , Tulsa, OK 74104-9700
tulsa ok.
The address of the Tulsa Zoo Management is: , Tulsa, OK 74115-2121
There are 495.96 miles to travel to get from Tulsa, OK to Houston, TX.
Monte Cassino School Tulsa OK was created in 1926.
what is the driving time from tulsa, ok to springfield, mo?