There is no "Greenboro" Kentucky. However, there is a Greensburg, Kentucky and a Greensboro, North Carolina. The distance between Louisville, Kentucky and Greensburg, Kentucky is about 83 miles. The distance between Louisville, Kentucky, Greensboro, North Carolina is about 490 miles.
It is 542 miles according to Google Maps.
It is 569 miles according to Google Maps.
The halfway point between Greensboro North Carolina and Fairfax Virginia is Pittsburgh.
According to Google Maps, there are 152 miles between Dayton, Ohio and Louisville Kentucky.
77.58 miles
There is approximately 651 miles between Myrtle Beach, South Carolina and Louisville, Kentucky. The drive would take about 11 hours to complete.
104 miles
mountains stand between north carolina and kentucky
109 miles
It is 44.51 miles according to MapQuest.
It is 189.73 miles according to MapQuest.