The midpoint between Jacksonville, FL and Vancouver, B.C. when traveling by car is Mitchell, South Dakota. (Distance 1,580 miles)
It is 1,176 miles according to Google Maps.
Distance:The direct distance between Jacksonville, Florida and Orlando, Florida is 127 miles (205 km). The driving distance between Jacksonville and Orlando is 140 mi - about 2 hours 15 mins
The distance between Jacksonville, Florida, and Sancerre, central France, is 4,475 miles (7,200 kilometres).
About 340 miles
161 miles
311 miles
Harrison Reed (born August 26, 1813 in Littleton, Massachusetts; died May 25, 1899 in Jacksonville, florida) succeeded David S. Walker as the ninth Governor of Florida, between July 4, 1868 and January 7, 1873. Following the end of Reed's term as Governor, Ossian B. Hart (born January 17, 1821 in Jacksonville, Florida; died March 18, 1874 in Jacksonville, Florida) became the tenth Governor of Florida, serving between January 7, 1873 and March 18, 1874.
The distance between Jacksonville, Florida and Kissimmee, Florida, is approximately 150 miles. This will take about two and one half hours of driving time.
90 miles
By car it is 311 miles.
The distance between Houston, Texas and Jacksonville, Florida is 870.54 miles.