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Q: What is the major religion in china and japan?
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In what nations has Buddhism largely?

The Asian nations where Buddhism is a major religion in China, Japan, Vietnam, and Sri Lanka. It is also a major a religion in Thailand and in Nepal.

What is traded between China and Japan?

Japan's major imports from China (or China's major exports to Japan) include items such as food, electricity goods, and telecommunication equipment. Japan's major exports to China (or China's major imports from Japan) is mostly machinery, i.e. automobiles.

Where was Hinduism a major religion in?

In the peak of Hinduism it was practiced in almost entire Asia except China, Japan & Mongolia.

What are major differences between modern china and modern japan?

Japan does not place restrictions on religion and reproduction like China does. Japan is a constitutional monarchy, while China is a Communist state. Japan enacted strict trade policies that helped its manufacturers, but that led to a huge real estate bubble.

What world religion dominates most of japan and china?

The world religion with the largest proportion of followers among the populations of both Japan and China is Buddhism.

What is the major religion you in japan?


What religion is found mainly in china and surrounding countries?

Buddhism is a major religion found mainly in China and surrounding countries such as Japan, Korea, Vietnam, and Taiwan. It has a significant presence in these regions and has influenced their cultures and traditions for centuries.

In what part of the world does Buddhism have its greatest strength?

Buddhism have it's greatest strength in China, Japan, Korea, Vietnam, etc. It's the major religion in that part of Asia. It was once a major religion in India, too. However, it declined.

Where was shintoism formed?

Japan, it is the major religion there

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