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The Rocky Mountains extend 3000 miles from British Columbia, Canada to New Mexico. The mountains in Alaska are not part of the Rocky Mountain range.

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Q: What is the major mountain chain that runs from Alaska to New Mexico?
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The major mountain system of western north america extending from alaska to mexico?

Rocky mountain

What major mountain chain extends from Alaska to south America?

The Andes mountain chain is the major mountain range that extends from Alaska to South America, running along the western coast of the continent. It is the longest mountain range in the world, stretching approximately 7,000 kilometers.

What is the name of the major mountain chain of North America?

The major mountain chain in North America is the Rocky Mountains. It stretches from Canada to New Mexico in the United States.

What mountain range extends 3000 miles from Alaska south to New Mexico?

The Rocky Mountains extend 3000 miles from Alaska south to New Mexico. They are a major mountain range in western North America, known for their diverse and rugged landscapes.

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What is North American Cordillera?

The North American Cordillera is a chain of mountain ranges. They extend from Alaska all the way into South America.

What is the two great mountain chains one in the western and one in the eastern US?

The major mountain chain in the West is the Rocky Mountains. The major mountain chain in the East is the Appalachian Mountains.

What mountain range extends 3000 miles from Alaska south New Mexican?

The Rocky Mountains are a major mountain range that extends approximately 3,000 miles from Alaska to New Mexico. They are known for their rugged peaks and diverse ecosystems, supporting a variety of flora and fauna along their length.

What are three major mountain ranges and what state to what they belong?

New Mexico

Where in Mexico are the major mountain ranges found?

Along the Pacific coast and in central-eastern Mexico.

Which mountain chain ranges between British Columbia Canada and New Mexico US?

The Rocky Mountains range between British Columbia, Canada, and New Mexico, US. The Rockies are a major mountain range in North America, stretching approximately 3,000 miles from Canada to New Mexico. They are known for their diverse ecosystems and stunning natural beauty.

What is the only major mountain chain in the eastern U.S. and Canada?

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