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Q: What is the main relgion in china?
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What is the main relgion in canada?

The main religion in Canada is Christian. LOL

What is Irelands Relgion?

Catholic and Protestant

What is the jonas brothers relgion?

they are christian

What relgion is David Beckham?

christian :)

What was Annie Oakley's relgion?

There is no indication that she was religious.

What is the importance of relgion?

Learning to spell religion.

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What relgion is David Archuleta?

I think he is a morman.

What is the Lakota relgion?

i dont have rekiogoun yet

How was Asyran society organized?

Because they did not believe in the relgion.

What is chris brown's relgion?

he's most likely a Christian

What is the relgion in Mexico?

The most practiced religion, by far, is Catholicism.