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Q: What is the main reason why the United Kingdom split into two?
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Related questions

What are the two main kingdom?

The United States of America and the United Kingdom

How many main lands does the United kingdom?

The United Kingdom is comprised of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

What is the main industry in the United Kingdom?

I think it is food

What is the religon of United Kingdom?

The main religion is Christianity.

What is the main religion in the United Kingdom?

Church of England

What is united kingdom main pollution issue?


The main export of the United Kingdom?

cofee viagra

What is the United Kingdom's main resource?

one of them is coal

What was the main reason that Poland Czechslovakia Hungary and Romania became satellites of the USSR?

These countries were ceded to Soviet Union at the Yalta Conference by USA and United Kingdom.

What are the main fishing countries?

the main fishing countries are japan and the united kingdom

What was the main reason for England's split from the caholic church?

the indulgences that the church sold.

What is the main port in the United Kingdom?

Felixstowe and Southampton and Tilbury.