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is mountains

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Q: What is the main landform of micronesia?
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What is the main landform of the Federated States of Micronesia?

The Federated States of Micronesia is made up of islands and atolls, which are low-lying coral formations. These islands are scattered across a vast area of the western Pacific Ocean.

What is a main landform in Switzerland?

the main landform in Switzerland is the alps. which is a huge mountain range covering 60% of its land.

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The main landform of Denmark consists of the 443 named islands. Denmark also consists of a peninsula, which is named Jutland.

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monte beianco

What is the main food source of Micronesia?

Seafood, particularly fish.

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Algeria is mostly desert.

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one of the MAIN landforms in the eiffle tower.

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The main landform regions of Brazil are the Amazon Basin, the Brazilian Highlands (also known as the Brazilian Plateau), the Pantanal wetlands, the Atlantic Forest, and the coastal plains. These regions encompass a diverse range of landscapes, including rainforests, savannas, mountains, and wetlands.

What is the main landform region of Pacific South America?

Hollywood hill

Does Micronesia belong to Micronesia Melanesia or Polynesia?

Micronesia belongs to Micronesia.