23 degrees latitude and 90 degrees longitude
Latitude: 23.634501° Longitude: -102.552784°
Every point on Earth has 1 longitude number and 1 latitude number. The center of Mexico City is located at roughly 19.44° north latitude 99.13° west longitude.
Latitude: 21 degree north Longitude: 103 degree west
23.965886, -102.664139
The longitude and latitude of Acapulco, Mexico is 16.8636 degrees N, 99.8825 degrees W. Acapulco is a very famous destination.
The latitude and longitude of Chihuahua, Mexico is:28° 38' 0" N / 106° 5' 0" WSource: http://www.travelmath.com/city/Chihuahua,+Mexico
Mexico City is at 19.24 N Latitude and 99.09 W Longitude.
A location at 20° N latitude and 100° W longitude would be in the eastern part of Mexico, possibly near the Yucatan Peninsula.
19.434069, -99.139908
Latitude: N 19° 25' 57.3888" / Longitude: W 99° 7' 59.5488"
A city with a latitude of 19N and longitude of 96W is Mexico City, the capital of Mexico.