The longest time difference would be between Tonga and Samoa.
They can be 24 hours apart but are only 550 miles / 887km apart in distance.
The countries with the longest time difference are those that are on opposite sides of the International Date Line. For example, Samoa and American Samoa are 25 hours apart due to the time zone difference at the International Date Line. Other countries with significant time differences include Russia and Alaska.
Spain and Germany are in the same time zone. There is no difference between the two countries.
there is no time difference between Malaysia and Philippines. =)
There is never a time difference between Japan and South Korea; the time is both countries is UTC + 9 hrs.
The time difference is three and a half hours at the border between Afghanistan and China.
You can measure the time difference between countries by comparing their respective time zones. Subtract the time in one country from the time in the other to determine the time difference. Remember to account for daylight saving time changes if applicable. Additionally, using an online world clock or a time zone converter can provide accurate measurements.
There is never a time difference between Singapore and the Philippines. 8 PM SGT = 8 PM PHT
You can measure the time difference between countries by calculating the time offset between their respective time zones. Time zone differences are typically expressed in terms of the number of hours ahead or behind Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) a country's time zone is. You can use this information to determine the time difference between two countries.
In November, both the UK and France are in the same time zone (GMT+1 or Central European Time). There is no time difference between the two countries during that time of the year.
Because they are in different places throughout the world, and time cannot be the same everywhere at once.
The European nations of Spain and Ireland are both located along the Atlantic coast of the continent. The time difference between the two countries is 1 hour.
The time difference between Melbourne, Australia and Kathmandu, Nepal is approximately 4 hours and 45 minutes. Melbourne is ahead of Kathmandu.