Life expectancy at birth:72.12 yearsmale: 69.56 yearsfemale: 74.81 years (2009 est.)
Life expectancy at birth for male: 66,81 years Life expectancy at birth for female: 74,41 years Data for 2008.
Life expectancy at birth, Romania, 2005: 71,71 years
Sri Lanka has the highest life expectancy at birth in South Asia.
Life expectancy at birth: total population: 81.17 yearsmale: 78.16 yearsfemale: 84.37 years (2011 est.)
The total life expectancy in the U.S. is 78.14 years at birth, about 5 years less than Canada's life expectancy, 83.81 years.
Life expectancy at birth: 76.81 (male: 73.94; female: 79.84)
Overall life expectancy at birth: 80.63 Male life expectancy at birth: 78.93 Female life expectancy at birth: 83
a so a schass
Chutia banata hai
No life expectancy is not determined at birth. Life expectancy is determined by a variety of factors. Factors that influence life expectancy are quality of life, health factors, environment, location, family life among others. Exercise and eating habits influence our life expectancy, smoking and alcohol as well as illegal (and legal) drug use (abuse) can lead to a lower life expectancy. Health care and technology will generally improve throughout peoples' lives leading to an increase in life expectancy.