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New York State law prohibits all drivers from using portable electronic devices, such as cell phones and smart phones, to send text messages or emails while driving. The penalty for a violation of this law is a fine of up to $150 plus mandatory surcharges and fees of up to $85.

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Q: What is the law in New York state about using cell phones and driving together?
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it not good to be driving wilted using your phone u can have a crash kill some one it to dangerous unless you have a car that has a phone devise so you can talk wised driving

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Usually, yes. However, some jurisdictions do treat them the same way they do with using cell phones while driving.

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Well i think that there are no pros of using a cell phone while driving come on people why would you ask a thing like that are u nuts and the cons are that people can get distracted and get in a wreck.

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Use a Bluetooth Headset While Driving?

Most states are passing legislation that ban drivers from using handheld cellular devices while driving. Don't get caught red handed with a phone in your hand while driving. Use a Bluetooth headset while driving to avoid getting ticketed and fined for breaking the law. Even if your state has not yet banned using handheld cell phones while driving, the safe thing to do is to use a Bluetooth headset. You can find Bluetooth headsets in a wide range of styles, and there are many different models so that anyone can find a headset to match his or her budget.