California spans from about 32.5 to 42 degrees north latitude, covering approximately 9.5 degrees of latitude from south to north.
How many latitude degrees high isCalifornia f
The latitude and longitude of Palos Verdes, California is approximately: 33.76856913989596 - Latitude -118.33305358886719 - Longitude
34˚ North.
Vacaville, California is located at approximately 38.3566° N latitude and 121.9877° W longitude.
The latitude and longitude coordinates for Northridge, California are approximately 34.2388° N, 118.5301° W.
Some of the major California cities located at approximately 31 degrees north latitude include San Diego, Palm Springs, and Bakersfield. This latitude runs through the southern region of the state, encompassing a variety of climates and landscapes.
The city with the latitude 33 N and longitude 117 W is Los Angeles, California in the United States.
The latitude of California is around 32-42° N, while the latitude of New York is around 40-45° N. Therefore, the approximate difference in degrees between the latitude of California and New York is about 3-13°.
Miami in Florida is along the same latitude as Carlsbad, California.
Since California is located in USA, the nearest country east of USA and at 40 degrees north latitude is Portugal.
Every point on Earth has both a longitude and a latitude. And if someone gives you a longitude and a latitude, you can use them to find exactly one point on Earth.