26 north, 80 west
Latitude: N 25° 45' 42.048" / Longitude: W 80° 11' 30.444"
The approximate latitude and longitude of Miami, Florida is:25° 46' 26" N80° 11' 38" W
Actuaally, there's no city there -- it's in the Atlantic Ocean. But ... the nearest city is Key Largo, FL; the latitude and longitude you presented is about 29 miles Southeast of there.
Distance Between Miami and North pole is 6352.37 kilometers (3947.18 miles)Miami Details: Latitude: 25.7652 - Longitude -80.273North pole Details: Latitude: 64.7816 - Longitude -147.348
The distance between Miami, Florida and the equator (0 degrees latitude) is approximately 1,480 miles. Therefore, the distance between Miami and 10 degrees south latitude would be slightly less than that, depending on the specific coordinates of the 10 degrees south latitude line.
Latitude: 24°27′N to 31°N Longitude: 80°02′W to 87°38′W
25.7753° N
The latitude of Tampa, Florida is 27.9506° N, and the longitude is 82.4572° W.
The coordinates for Lakeland, Florida are approximately 28.0395° N latitude and 81.9498° W longitude.
The latitude and longitude of Fort Pierce, Florida is approximately 27.4478° N, 80.3256° W.
The approximate longitude and latitude of Tampa, Florida is 27.9710 N, 82.4650 W. Tampa is a well known tourist destination.