There are NO states in Illinois. Illinois is one of the 50 states in the United States of America.
Illinois is the largest state in the Midwest.Illinois is the largest state in the Midwest.does it have the most population in the Midwest region?
Illinois is not a city. It is a state. Based on population, Illinois is the 5th largest U.S. state.
There are no states in Illinois. Illinois is a state.
None. Chicago is the largest city in Illinois, but it is not the capital. The capital of Illinois is Springfield.
Illinois is a US State and contains no states.
Illinois is a state which contains cities but lies within a country.
Chicago is the largest city in Illinois. Chicago is located in northeast corner of Illinois on the coast of Lake Michigan.
Illinois is the 25th largest state in the US.
Illinois is 57,918 sq. miles in area making it the 25th largest state in the US.
Illinois, USA - 57,918 square miles (USA's 25th largest state).
Decatur is the largest city and the county seat of Macon County in the U.S. state of Illinois
Illinois ranks fifth in the nation.