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well if u realy want to know you should have gone to another site like idont know WIKIPEDIA or A MAP! or if your realy smat you would have garabed and atlis form your class room and turned to a page that SHOWS WATER

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14y ago
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12y ago

I'm not really sure but I think it is Lake Maricaibo in Venezuela

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Lake Chapala.

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Lake Maracaibo

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Q: What is the largest freah-water lake in south America?
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Lake in South America?

The largest lake is Lake Maracaibo

The largest lake in South America is located in Venezuela?

Lake Maracaibo is the largest lake in South America. Lake Titicaca is the second largest.

The name of the largest lake in south america?

The largest lake is probably Lake Maracaibo in Venezuela.

What the largest lake in soth America?

The largest river in South America is the Amazon.

What is the name of the largest lake in South America that is located in northern Venusula?

the largest lake in South America is situated on the Peru/Bolivia boarder and is called Lake Titicaca

The largest lake in south america located in Venezuela?

Lake Maracaibo

The second largest freshwater lake in south America?

Lake Titicaca

What large lake is located high in the Andes between Peru and Bolivia?

Lake Titicaca, South America's largest lake, is located along the Peru/Bolivia border. The lake has an elevation of approximately 12,500 feet above mean sea level.

What is thew largest lake in south America?

lake tetecaca thats what i think

What is the largest lake in south America that is north of Venezuela?

it's Lake Maracaibo.

What is the largest fresh-water in south America?

Lake Maracaibo

What is the largest fesh water lake in south America?
