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The Common Eider is the largest wild duck in the northern Hemisphere...weighing in at almost 6 pounds.

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Q: What is the largest duck in north America?
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What is the most common species of duck found in North America?

The most common species of duck found in North America is the Mallard.

Where did the labrador Duck lived?

the Labrador duck lived in North America.

Which continent is the third largest continent?

The third largest continent in the world is North America. Asia is the largest, Africa is the second largest and North America is the third largest.

A common duck of Europe and North America?

The Mallard of North America. Of Europe, I'm not sure.

What is North America's largest country?

Canada is the largest country in North America.

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What is the largest region of north america?

The Great Plains is the largest region of north America

What is the largest nation in North America and in South America?

In North America, Canada the largest nation by land area. In South America, it is Brazil. For both the Americas, Canada is the largest.

What counrty in North America has the largest population?

The United States has the largest population in North America.

What is the largest ocean in North America?

There is no ocean in North America.

What are the largest landmasses in the western hemisphere?

The largest landmasses in the Western Hemisphere are North America and South America. North America is the third-largest continent in the world, while South America is the fourth-largest. They are separated by the Panama Canal.

Where would one normally find a Canvasback duck?

Canvasbacks are found in shallow lakes and areas with marshy shores. It is the largest duck found in North America and as well as breeding on the North American prairies it also has breeding sites in the river deltas of Saskatchewan and Alaska.