Dred Scott lost
Dred Scott`s fll name was Dred Scott v. sandford
Dred Scott`s fll name was Dred Scott v. sandford
Dred Scott
Dred Scott v. Sandford : 1857 .
It overruled Marbury v. Madison
No, the 14th Amendment supersedes the Dred Scott decision.
Dred Scott, Plaintiff in Error v. John F. A. Sandford, 60 US 393 (1857)The short title is Scott v. Sandford, but the case is often referred to colloquially as "the Dred Scott case." Sandford is misspelled in the Supreme Court documents; the proper spelling is Sanford, without a d. This cannot be corrected, however.
It ruled that Dred Scott who was a freed slaved was no more than property and that no slave has any rights.
Dred Scott v. Sandford,* 60 US 393 (1857)*Sandford is misspelled in the court documents; the respondent's real last name was Sanford.
The Missouri Compromise.
Dred Scott vs sandford