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The cost of disposable diapers is high, especially in today's economy. Disposable diapers also emit chemicals when discarded, causing further problems to the already fragile environment.

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Q: What is the impact of the continued use of disposable diapers in North America?
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What impact did diapers have?

well it depends which diapers you are referring to. for example: the cloth diapers were not as efficient as the recyclable ones we have now.The impact of cloth diapers: water was much wasted, because the diapers were reused. Yet, people saved more money because they would only have to buy a couple of diapers and used them for a long time.The impact of recyclable diapers: These diapers save water because they are only used once. Which is way better to then to having to wash. Yet, this means more money is wasted because these diapers are only used once.Overall : Diapers have helped parents take care of their child's outcome.

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How do diapers biodegrage?

Diapers are made of materials such as plastic, absorbent polymers, and cellulose fibers, which can take hundreds of years to biodegrade in the environment. Some companies are developing more eco-friendly diaper options that use biodegradable materials or can be composted under specific conditions. However, it is essential to dispose of diapers properly to minimize their environmental impact.

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