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The kukui tree (Aleurites Moluccana) was designated the state tree of Hawaii in 1959. The blossom of the kukui is also the official Island flower of Moloka'i. The kukui tree is not native to Hawaii (originating in Polynesia).

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When was the Hawaiian state tree adapted?

The Hawaiian state tree, the candlenut tree (Aleurites moluccanus), was officially designated as the state tree of Hawaii in 1959. It is also known as kukui in Hawaiian culture and holds significant traditional and practical importance in the islands.

Hawaii's state tree?

The state tree of Hawaii is the kukui tree, also known as the candlenut tree. It is valued for its nuts, which are used in Hawaiian cooking and can also be used for making candles and oil. The kukui tree is a symbol of enlightenment, protection, and peace in Hawaiian culture.

What is Hawaii's official state nut?

The Kukui nut tree (Candlenut tree) is the state tree. I do not think there is an official state nut- but the macadamia is pretty popular!

What are some of Hawaii's symbols?

Black Coral is the state gemstone. The Nene or Hawaiian Goose is the State bird. The Humpback whale is the State marine mammal. The Kukui nut tree is the State tree.

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The hawaiian state tree is Kukui,state fish is the reef triggerfish also known as the Humuhumunukunuku apa'a.

What are some of the names of Hawaii's symbols?

Some symbols of Hawaii include the state flag featuring the Union Jack and eight stripes representing the main islands, the state seal with King Kamehameha I, the Hawaiian coat of arms with a phoenix and native warrior, and the state flower, yellow hibiscus.

What is the state plant of Hawaii?

The state plant of Hawaii is the kukui tree (Aleurites moluccanus). Its nuts are used to make jewelry and candles, and the tree is also known for its cultural significance in Hawaiian folklore and traditions.

What are four symbols of Hawaii?

Official Symbols:Nene or the Hawaiian Goose is the State Bird. The Humpback whale is the State Marine Mammal.The Hawaiian hibiscus is the State Flower.The Kukui Nut Tree is the Official State Tree.The Official State Food is the Coconut Muffin.The State gemstone is Black Coral.

How do you say tree in hawaiian?

Laurel is a proper name. In HI'ian, it is Lalela [la-lay-la]. Tree is "la'au" [lay-ow]. In Hawaiian there is no such word as "Laurel",

What is the Hawaiian state color?

The Hawaiian state color is red.

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Alani in Hawaiian means "orange" or "orange tree."

Palm tree in hawaiian?

Palm tree = Pama