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The coastal plain is the habitat of the Florida Adder's Mouth (Malaxis spicata).

Specifically, this wild orchid favors moisture in the air and soil. It handles offshore breezes. It thrives on flat, low-lying land.

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Q: What is the habitat of the Florida Adder's Mouth Orchid?
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What is the common name of Malaxis spicata?

Florida Adder's Mouth (orchid)

What is the mature size of the Florida Adder's Mouth Orchid?

Eight inches or less to around 1-1/2 feet (20.32 -- 45.72 centimeters) is the mature size of the Florida Adder's Mouth (Malaxis spicata).Specifically, this wild orchid displays great variability in its mature height. It is easy miss at the lower limits of its mature height. Its predominantly green bloom and body parts merge with the colors of its coastal plain habitat.

What is the bloom color of the Florida Adder's Mouth Orchid?

Green is the bloom color of the Florida Adder's Mouth (Malaxis spicata).Specifically, this wild orchid gives a predominantly green impression. Even the flowers grow out green. But with age, they take on spots of brown, orange or yellow.

What is the common name of Malaxis unifolia?

Adders Mouth

What is the habitat of the Green Adder's Mouth Orchid?

Moist grassy and woodsy soils is the habitat of the Green Adder's Mouth (Malaxis unifolia).Specifically, this wild orchid favors moist soils in which plenty of grasses and leaves break down and release nutrients. It finds the correct moisture and nutrient levels in the soils of moist thickets and woods. It also finds them in bogs and meadows.

What is the bloom time of the Florida Adder's Mouth Orchid?

July to September is the bloom time of the Florida Adder's Mouth (Malaxis spicata).Specifically, this wild orchid blooms from mid-summer into early fall. It is easy to miss what with its predominantly green coloring and petite shape. The plant's hallmark orange spots may be so tiny on the flowers and lip that they too end up not standing out.

What is the range of the Florida Adder's Mouth?

East of the Mississippi River is the range of the Florida Adder's Mouth (Malaxis spicata).Specifically, the wild orchid ranges as far north as Virginia in its southeastern extension. It may be found growing as far south as Florida in its southeastern range. It is found all along the coastal plain in between the two states.

What is the bloom color of the Green Adder's Mouth Orchid?

Green is the bloom color of the Green Adder's Mouth (Malaxis unifolia).Specifically, everything about this wild orchid blends with its grassy and woodsy habitats. The bloom is inconspicuous in its green color and its tiny size. Its distinctiveness lies in its putting on a three-month show that many visitors miss in the plant's native habitat.

What is the habitat of the Crested Fringed Orchid?

Moist grassland is the habitat of the Crested Fringed Orchid (Habenaria cristata).Specifically, this wild orchid demands high levels of moisture and nutrients. It finds both needs met in meadows and savannahs. But it also likes the equally rich, wet environments of bogs and swamps.

What is range of the Dragon's Mouth Orchid?

East of the Mississippi River is the range of the Dragon's Mouth Orchid (Arethusa bulbosa).Specifically, the wild orchid ranges in the northeast from Maine to New Jersey. It may be found growing in the southeast from Virginia to North Carolina. It extends northwestward to Illinois, across the Mississippi River and into Minnesota.

What is the range of the Snake Mouth Orchid?

East of the Mississippi River is the range of the Southern Rein Orchid (Ponthieva racemosa).Specifically, the wild orchid ranges as far north in its southeasterly extension as Virginia. It may be found growing as far southeasterly as Florida. It is found growing all along the coastal plain between the two states. It also grows southwestward from Florida, across the Mississippi River and into Texas.

What is the scientific name of the Florida Adder's Mouth Orchid?

Malaxis spicata is the scientific, Latin or binomial name of the Florida Adder's Mouth.Specifically, a scientific name has at least two parts. The first identifies the genus, which honors the softness, Malaxis, of the plant's tender tissues. The second indicates that the species is spotted, spicata.