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Q: What is the greatest concern with eastern Europe?
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Which part of Europe is an enviromental concern to Europeans?

Eastern Europe mostly.

Who is the greatest artist in eastern Europe?

Constantin Bancusi, Romania

What European region has undergone the greatest political change?

Eastern Europe

Which region experienced the greatest conflict at the end of the Cold War?

Eastern Europe experienced the greatest conflict.

What religion has had the greatest impact on Greece Russia and Eastern Europe?

Orthodox Christianity

What was one us concern about the Soviet Union domination of central and Eastern Europe after 1945?

The spread of communism

Is water pollution a greater concern for Eastern Europe or is water availability?

Water availability is more of a concern so they can have enough water for the people and agricultural things.

What continent in the eastern hemisphere has greatest percent of christians?

Africa has the highest percentage of Christians among all continents in the Eastern Hemisphere.

Canada's greatest health concern today?

the greatest Canada concern is cancer

What is the greatest concern of legislators?

The greatest concern of a legislator is to make laws for a country.

Where is Hungary southern Europe or eastern Europe?

Hungary is in eastern Europe.

In what ways are eastern Europe and northern Europe different?

- Western Europe is majority Catholic while Eastern Europe is majority Orthodox - Western Europe is more technologically advanced than Eastern Europe - Western Europe is more economically advanced than Eastern Europe - Western Europe has fewer countries than Eastern Europe - Western Europe is smaller in area than Eastern Europe - Western Europe is more populated than Eastern Europe - Western Europe is more densely populated than Eastern Europe - Western Europe has more countries in the European Union than Eastern Europe - Western Europe has more countries in NATO than Eastern Europe