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Q: What is the geography of Persians?
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How did the geography of the Greek peninsula help them defeat the Persians?

i think

What was the Persians geography?

The lands from today's Libya through Egypt, the Middle East to Pakistan and central Asia.

Who was the king of the Persians?

The leader of the Persians was Xerxes I

What did ancient Persians or Iranians call themselves?


What is the of most Persians?

Most Persians today are Muslim, but before the advent of Islam in Persia, most Persians were Zoroastrians.

What is religion of most Persians?

Most Persians today are Muslim, but before the advent of Islam in Persia, most Persians were Zoroastrians.

Who was the king of the Persians while Sparta and the Persians were in war?

He was Xerxes

Did Babylon become the capitol of the Persians?

It did when the Persians conquered Babylon.

Who did the Persians free?

the persians freed the Isrealites after conquering the babylonians

Was the colony of axun founded by Persians Arabs Phoenicians or Romans?


Where are Persians located in the Middle East?

Most Persians live in Iran.

Do Pakistanis call themselves Persians?

Yes Pakistanis are called as Persians.