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It is 11 miles west of Lewistown.

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Q: What is the geographic center of Montana?
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The geographic center of north America can be found in this state?

The geographic center of America can be found in the state of North Dakota. The city that is said to be the geographic center is Rugby which was founded in 1886.

Is the capital of Wyoming located near the geographic center of the state?

No. Cheyenne, the capital of Wyoming, is located in the southeast corner of the state near the border with Colorado and Nebraska.

Where is the geographic center of the magic kingdom?

Although the geographic center of the magic kingdom lies in the compass outside of Cinderella Castle, if you were to look at the makeup of the park, the midpoint inside the castle would be the geographic center. Seems the compass is the more accurate representation of the geographic center of the park.

State that contains the geographic center of all 50 states?

South Dakota. Kansas is the geographic center of the 48 states. :)

Where is the geographic center of the lower forty-eight states located?

The geographic center of the lower forty-eight states is located in Smith County, Kansas, about 2.6 miles northwest of Lebanon.

Where is the center of America?

The geographic center of the USA, including the lower 48, Alaska, and Hawaii. A bit awkward, perhaps. The geographic center for the lower 48 is marked with a monument in Kansas, and the geographic center of North America is also marked by a monument in North Dakota.

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What is the geographic center of each US state?

The geographic center of each US state varies, as it is calculated based on the state's boundary lines. For example, the geographic center of South Dakota is located in Buffalo, and the geographic center of Kansas is near Lebanon. Each state's geographic center is often marked with a monument or sign for visitors.

Where is the geographic enter of the U.S?

The geographic center of the contiguous United States is located near Lebanon, KS. The geographic center of the entire US is located near Belle Fourche, SD.

What states have a capital city near the geographic center of the state Maine Texas Wyoming Ohio?

Ohio, South Dakota, and Indiana. In Florida, Wyoming, Nevada, and Massachusetts, the capital is nowhere near the state's geographic center.

What is geographic center of NCAA B-Ball tournament?

Carrollton, KY is actually the geographic center of of the Sweet 16 teams in the NCAA tournament.