they are very nice people
Peruvian people can be any religion they want to be. for ex.; I have a Peruvian friend who is christian and not all PPeruvian people are christian. I'm not sure the true religion but i know you can change that religion and join another.
Perez de Cuellar was a Peruvian diplomat and secretary general in UN between 1982-1991.
most people believe you should help and take care of the homeless if i were you that is what i would do
What attitudes did people have towards the Bantu abduction
Peru is a country, not a religion.
In General The Peruvian One Is A Guinea Pig Not A Hamster , it has long straight hair so you should Trim some of it ask your local pet shop for more information
In a way but they fluctuate with societies attitudes. in general it's what most people see as reasonable.
In 1985 the UN Secretary general was the Peruvian diplomat Javier Perez de Cuellar.