Yes, the furthest southern point.
The furthest ocean south on Earth is the Southern Ocean. The Southern Ocean extends from the coast of Antarctica to the 60 degree South line of Latitude. The furthest point south in the Southern Ocean is the Ross Sea.
In the Southern Hemisphere, the June solstice is known as the shortest day of the year. It is when the sun has reached its furthest point from the equator and marks the first day of winter.
Hawaii is the furthest south of all 50 states. Texas (25 degrees, 50 minutes) is not even further south than Florida (24 degrees 27 minutes), which is state furthest south of the contiguous 48 states.
Hawaii Island, also commonly known as the Big Island, is the southernmost island in the Hawaiian Islands. The southernmost point in the United States is at the southern tip of the island and is known as Ka Lae.
The Spanish-speaking country that is furthest north is Mexico. Its northernmost point is at the border with the United States along the Rio Grande.
It's the furthest point west.
The biggest point of disagreement between the Northern and Southern states after the Civil War was secession. The Southern states did not accept the fact that secession goes against the constitution.
The entire southern border of the United States. If you're asking which part of the U.S. stretches furthest south into Mexico, it would have to be at some geographical point along the Rio Grande River in Texas.
Ni'ihau [nee-ee-how] is the western and northernmost island of the 8 main isles.
The furthest point from the center is the circumference of the circle.