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Generally speaking, people of Bangalore's food habits involve finding food (this can involve many processes) and then putting food in their mouths. Chewing may occur at this point in the process, but this is dependent on the structural consistency of the food. Following this, the person will usually swallow.

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14y ago

Due to the Leap Frog growth in Bangalore's IT sector which has fuelled all other sectors. There is a huge influx of population originating from other states of India and abroad. There are people from all states of India in very large numbers, which opens up the scope for people to demand food made similar to their home state eg: Bengali, Gujrati, Kashmiri, North Indian, Andhra spicy food, Tamil Nadu saapadam etc Apart from this the western cuisine like Arabic, Italian, American, Oriental Cuisine, Thai Cuisine, Vietnamese food, Tibetian/Nepali cuisine.

Although the majority still remains Kanadiga (i.e Kanada Speaking People) the exposure to different cultures and states has made their taste buds very cosmopolitan. There is never a person here that will always crave for a particular type or cuisine of food. In my generation when hungry we crave for anything from Pizza's to idli's to parathas from Punjab, Dhokla from Gujrat, Biryani from Hyderabad or Lucknow, Fish Curry from Kerala.

Personally, I being a North Indian born in the South. I am as comfortable with South Indian Food as I am with North Indian. I can also east Chinese Food (Traditional) all 3 times a day given a choice.

Taking a cue from that, Bangalore has a very Urban and Mixed and confused bunch of foodies as we call people here that love their food.

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