The air distance from Seattle, Washington, to Anchorage, Alaska, is 1,438 miles. That equals 2,314 kilometers or 1,250 nautical miles.
The driving distance from Seattle, Washington to Anchorage, Alaska is about 2,360 miles.
2321 miles
The air distance from Seattle, Washington, to Anchorage, Alaska, is 1,435 miles. That equals 2,310 kilometers or 1,247 nautical miles.
British Columbia and Yukon Territory are between Anchorage and Seattle.
Seattle, Washington to Anchorage, Alaska you go through Canada
One thousand four hundred thirty-five (1,435) is the air mileage from Anchorage, Alaska, to Seattle, Washington. That equals 2,310 kilometers or 1,247 nautical miles.
The round trip air distance from Seattle, Washington, to Anchorage, Alaska, is 2,870 miles. That equals 4,620 kilometers or 2,494 nautical miles.
Alaska///////seattle is in the usa you have to drive thru british Columbia in Canada to get to anchorage
It's impossible because Seattle and Washington are not countries.