A random search for flights from Toronto Intl (YYZ) to Hanoi (HAN) shows:
OPTION 1: 19hr 20min via Hong Kong (HKG)
YYZ - HKG Cathay Pacific Airways Flt 827 Dep 09:35am 14May,Fri
HKG - HAN Vietnam Airlines Flt 791 Dep 02:55pm 15May,Sat
Flight Duration: 17hr 25min; Layover Time: 1hr 55min; Total Trip Time: 19hr 20min
The flight time from New York in the United States to Hanoi in Vietnam is approximately 16 hours and 52 minutes.
This is only an approximation. The exact travel time will vary as it depends on factors such as weather conditions, flight speed, delays and refuelling stops. Your airline can provide additional information through customer service or their website.
The flight time from Hanoi in Vietnam to Seoul in South Korea is approximately 3 hours and 40 minutes. The total distance is approximately 2744.07 km or 1705 miles. This flight time is approximate. Factors such as weather conditions could affect the flight time.
The average flight time is 2 hours, 43 minutes.
The flight time from Paris in France to Hanoi in Vietnam is approximately 11 hours and 22 minutes. The total distance is approximately 9223.87 km or 5731 miles. This flight time is approximate. Factors such as weather conditions could affect the flight time.
The flight time from Bristol, United Kingdom to Hanoi, Vietnam is and 11 hours and 41 minutes
The flight time is 12 hours.
The flight time from Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport to Toronto Pearson International Airport is about 43 minutes.
The flight time from Toronto, Canada to Paris, France is about 7.5 hours.
A flight from Toronto, Canada to Denmark takes about 8 hours. The distance from Toronto, Canada to Denmark is 3,797 miles or 6,110 kilometers.
irish whiskey
3hr 25min Kuala Lumpur (KUL) to Hanoi (HAN) by nonstop flight operated by Malaysia Airlines.
The flight time is approximately 3 hours, 22 minutes.
The flight time from Bali to Ha Noi, Viet Nam is about 4 hours, 15 minutes.