The flight time from Raleigh-Durham International Airport to London Heathrow Airport is about 7.5 to 8 hours.
approximateley 11 hrs for a direct flight
A flight from London, England to Hawaii, United States will have an estimated flight time of 14 to 15 hours.
The average flight time from London to Buenos Aires is 14 hours and 20 minutes.
The flight time is 9 hours, 59 minutes.
The flight time is 10 hours, 59 minutes.
The distance between Charlotte, NC and London, England is 4002 miles (6440 km).
About 5 hours
9 hrs & 46min.
The flight time from Edmonton, Canada to London, United Kingdom is about 8 hours, 29 minutes.
The in-air flight time for a flight from London, England, to Miami, Florida would take 9 hours and 21 minutes. This would cover a distance of 7,121 km.
The flight time from London, England to Vancouver, British Columbia is approximately 10hrs.