The flight time is approximately 13 hours.
Honolulu, HI (HNL) to Auckland (AKL)Shortest Flight Duration 9 hours 20 mins
13 hours 1 minute
About a 12 hour flight from LA to Auckland
If it is 8:00am on a Monday in Auckland it would be 11:00am on Sunday in California (LA)
2 min with 25 seconds
Airbus A-330/200. Nice ride.
Los Angeles, CA (LAX) to Auckland (AKL)Flight Duration 12 hours 40 mins
The time it takes to fly between Auckland and New Zealand depends on which direction you are travelling because of the prevailing winds. * For LA to Auckland it is about 13 hours * for Auckland to LA it is about 12 hours About 13-14 hours 12.5 to 14 hours. The timing listed by the flight has always been exactly that or less than.
Auckland to Los Angeles is eleven hours and then it is another ten hours to London plus an hour or two on the ground in LA. It would take approx. 24 hrs of flying from Auckland to London. The flight for London heathrow (EGLL) from Aukland (NZAA) is Via Singerpore. Transition is normally no more that 3 hours. The total flight time is 21.0 hrs (in air time) with transition its normally 24hrs
The flight time is approximately 15 hours, 52 minutes.
The flight time for flights between the above places is 3 hours 50mins This is an approximate travel time. The actual time might change depending on the flight path chosen, weather conditions, etc.