Take I-80 EAST to Chicago.
The shortest and fastest driving route is 706 miles by taking I-55 North.
Travel via Indianapolis, Champaign, Bloomington, Peoria and Galesburg for the fastest route at an estimated 8 hours and 5 minutes according to Google Maps.
The fastest driving route from California to Virgina
On Interstate highway 90 East as the fastest driving route.
1086 miles the fastest route
The fastest driving route from Sydney to Townsville is the inland route rather than the coastal route. It is best to go via Cessnock, Gunnedah, Goondiwindi, Miles and Emerald. The distance would be 2,074km.
I-5 North
I 95
385 road miles by the fastest driving route.
The fastest driving route is 1,524 miles
I-65 SOUTH (from INDIANA).