Rapid City, SD
The distance from Rapid City, SD to Sturgis, SD is approximately 30 miles, with a driving time of about 40 minutes.
969 miles taking this route:Take U.S. 385 NORTH, from Odessa, all the way up to SD-79 NORTH in SOUTH DAKOTA. Continue straight on SD-79 NORTH to RAPID CITY.Take SD-79 NORTH to Rapid City.
The shortest driving distance is 41.4 miles.
McPherson, KS
The driving distance between Rapid City, SD and Jackson Hole, WY is approximately 400 miles, which takes around 6-7 hours depending on road conditions and traffic.
About 3 days of driving. At least, that's how long it takes me from Tucson, AZ to Rapid City, SD and Sioux Falls is about 2 hours away from Rapid City.
The address of the City Of Presidents Foundation is: 4121 Penrose Pl, Rapid City, SD 57702-6827
541 miles
627 miles
five to ten