Switzerland has higher temperatures than Laos due to differences in their geographic locations. Switzerland is located in Europe at higher latitudes, while Laos is in Southeast Asia near the equator. This results in Switzerland experiencing milder temperatures due to its position farther away from the equator. Other factors like elevation, proximity to bodies of water, and topography also play a role in shaping each country's climate.
Vietnam and Laos. Vietnam and Laos. Vietnam and Laos. Vietnam and Laos.
Vientiane, Laos Vientiane, Laos
Laos Laos
Laos is in Asia
Laos, because it is closer to the equator.
The leader of Laos is the President of Laos, who is Choummaly Sayasone. The president appoints the Prime Minister of Laos, whom is Bouasone Bouphavanh.
Laos is on the Asian continent.
No. Laos is a country in Asia.
Laos is not a member of the EU.
in laos