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Q: What is the education like of Kuwait?
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Study is free in which countries?

It is free in kuwait...and even higher education is free

What is a Kuwait Dinar?

A Kuwait Dinar is a kind of money just like $'s

What is school like in Kuwait?

There is more than one school in Kuwait. Which one are you asking about?

What is the school like in Kuwait?

There is more than one school in Kuwait. Which one are you asking about?

What is the economy of Kuwait like?

the economy of Kuwait is a mixed economy. I don't know why but i think it is

Who discovered Kuwait?

Humans first arrived in what would become Kuwait around 100,000 years ago and parts of Kuwait were part of Ancient Sumeria. It's not like somebody planted a flag and said "I Explorer X have discovered Kuwait" like Europeans did when they arrived in the Americas or Australia.

Does Kuwait have good education?

Yes, But you have to pay for the schools there but in high school they don't let you leave when ever you want.

Does Kuwait face terrorism?

Yes, Kuwait does have some problem with terrorism. Although they have not been as active since 2005, groups like the Peninsula Lions have caused issues in Kuwait.

What was the education in the colony Massachusetts?

What was the education like in the Maassachusetts Colony?What was the education like in the Maassachusetts Colony?What was the education like in the Maassachusetts Colony?What was the education like in the Maassachusetts Colony?What was the education like in the Maassachusetts Colony?What was the education like in the Maassachusetts Colony?What was the education like in the Maassachusetts Colony?What was the education like in the Maassachusetts Colony?What was the education like in the Maassachusetts Colony?What was the education like in the Maassachusetts Colony?What was the education like in the Maassachusetts Colony?What was the education like in the Maassachusetts Colony?What was the education like in the Maassachusetts Colony?What was the education like in the Maassachusetts Colony?What was the education like in the Maassachusetts Colony?What was the education like in the Maassachusetts Colony?What was the education like in the Maassachusetts Colony?What was the education like in the Maassachusetts Colony?What was the education like in the Maassachusetts Colony?What was the education like in the Maassachusetts Colony?What was the education like in the Maassachusetts Colony?What was the education like in the Maassachusetts Colony?What was the education like in the Maassachusetts Colony?

What is Kuwait's geography like?

Kuwait's geography is mostly consistent of flat deserts with few ridges. It gradually rises from the shoreline to the inland.