The flight distance from Las Vegas' McCarran International Airport to Los Angeles International Airport is 236 miles.
The most appropriate unit of length for measure the distance between Las Vegas and Los Angeles would be either miles or kilometers.
The distance from Los Angeles to San Francisco is farther.Or:San Francisco is the most distant city.Or:Las Vegas js the closest city.Or:Las Vegas is closer to Los Angeles then San Francisco is.
Los Angeles to Las Vegas
Miles would be the most appropriate unit of length for measuring the distance between Las Vegas and Los Angeles.
longest distance between gas stations la to lasvagas
The driving distance from Las Vegas, Nevada to Los Angeles, California is 270 miles.
The driving distance from Las Vegas, NV, USA to Los Angeles, CA, USA is 270.71mi / 435.66km
== == Distance:The distance between Sydney and Las Vegas is 7714 miles (12415 km). Flight:Sydney (SYD) to Las Vegas, NV (LAS)Flight Duration * 16 hours 47 mins * Via Los Angeles International Apt, Los Angeles (LAX)
It is 266 miles according to Google Maps.
The most appropriate units of length for measuring the distance between Los Angeles and Las Vegas would be miles or kilometers. This would provide a more accurate measurement in terms of practicality and common use for road travel.
The distance between Las Vegas, Nevada, United States and Los Angeles, City of, California, United States in air miles is 231 miles (372 km).