348 miles
The driving distance is about 1,282 km.
The distance from Gold Caost to Mackay, Queensland is 873km (or 542 miles).
By road, the distance between Darwin, Northern Territory and Maroochydore, the heart of the Sunshine Coast in Queensland, is 3,442km. Driving time without breaks is 40 hours, so it is around a five day journey.
From Maroochydore on the Sunshine Coast to Port Douglas in far north Queensland is a distance of 1,662 km, with a driving time of around 21 hours, without breaks. It is easily a three-day drive.
From Sydney to Maroochydore, the heart of the Sunshine Coast, is a distance of 1030km. It takes around thirteen hours in total to travel (rest breaks not included).
The Sunshine Coast is just north of Brisbane, Australia. A flight between Melbourne and the Sunshine Coast takes about 2 hours and 18 minutes. Driving there would take about 19 hours.
From Byron Bay in New South Wales to Maroochydore, the heart of the Sunshine Coast, is a distance of 270 km. The trip takes about three and a half hours.
1,050 kilometres taking HIGHWAY 1 - BRISBANE.
It takes around ten hours to drive from Capella, Qld to the Sunshine Coast. The distance is 874km.
Brisbane, Cairns, Townsville, Rockhampton, Ipswich, Toowoomba, Emerald, Roma, Bundaberg, Logan, Mackay, Maryborough, Gold Coast, Sunshine Coast. Pick which ones you want. :)
The distance from Surfer's Paradise, Gold Coast to Maroochydore, central area of the Sunshine Coast, is 182 kilometres. Depending on the time you are travelling, the trip should take around two and a half hours.