The distance from Truro, Nova Scotia to Antigonish, Nova Scotia is 65.34 miles or 105.16 kilometers.
The driving distance between Truro, Nova Scotia, and Antigonish, Nova Scotia, is approximately 100 km (62 miles). The journey typically takes about 1.5 - 2 hours by car, depending on traffic and road conditions.
It depends on the route you take, but the approximate driving distance is 117 road miles or 189 km
Do you mean Sherbrooke Quebec? I have not found a Sherbrooke in Nova Scotia
From Houston, Texas to Antigonish, Nova Scotia, Canada is about 2,546.7 miles.
The total driving distance from Calgary, Canada to Nova Scotia is 3,059 miles or 4,923 kilometers.
The distance is 257 miles. About 5 hours driving time.
33 miles
Jeanna Harrison was born in Antigonish, in Nova Scotia, Canada.
The shortest driving distance is 1,402 km.
It is 192 kilometers according to Google Maps.
124 miles