Driving distance between Seville and Granada is about 259 km (about 2 hours 54 mins).
The driving distance is approximately 175 road miles.
There are 560 miles from Barcelona to Granada.
89 road miles.
Driving distance: 1,221.52 miles / 1,965.85 kilometers - Time: ~16:44 h
Distance: 130 miles - Time: 2:02 h
About 210km / 130 miles using A-45 and A-92.
22.9 miles.
It would take about two hours to drive from Marbella, Spain to Granada, Spain. There is approximately 117 miles between the two locations.
124 mi, 2 hours 26 mins.
About 161 miles.
The driving distance is about 1,020 miles on the AP-7.