It would take about two hours to drive from Marbella, Spain to Granada, Spain. There is approximately 117 miles between the two locations.
Driving distance between Seville and Granada is about 259 km (about 2 hours 54 mins).
The driving distance is approximately 175 road miles.
There are 560 miles from Barcelona to Granada.
The driving distance is about 126 road miles.
It is about 527 km and if you are driving will take about 5 hours 30 mins
Driving distance: 1,221.52 miles / 1,965.85 kilometers - Time: ~16:44 h
The distance between the start location and the destination is 703km, (437mi), and will take approximately 7 hours of driving time.
About 210km / 130 miles using A-45 and A-92.
22.9 miles.
About 670 miles and 10 to 11 hours driving time.
It is 104kms from Marbella to Tafria and takes just over an hour.
85 miles