The distance between Cincinnati, Ohio and Greenville, South Carolina is 315 car miles.
use google maps
There is approximately 620 miles between Columbia, South Carolina and London, Canada. Driving from London to Columbia would about 14 hours to complete.
According to Google maps, the distance between Gatlinburg, Tennessee, and Columbia, south carolina, is 233 miles.
Columbia to Manhattan is about 725 miles.
Laredo to Columbia is about 1350 miles.
Columbia and Greenville are two cities located in South Carolina. The distance between these two South Carolina cities is 103.4 miles.
Using Google Maps one is able to calculate the distance as well as the driving travel time. The distance between Columbia, South Carolina and Hilton Head, South Carolina is 154 miles. The travel time is 2 hours and 31 minutes.
The distance between Vancouver, Washington, US and North Carolina, US is 2852 miles (4590 km). The distance between Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada and North Carolina, US is 2990 miles (4812 km).
The distance between Columbia, South Carolina and Stockholm, Sweden is 4528 miles (7287 km).
The driving time from Columbia, South Carolina to Dallas, Texas is 15 hours, 28 minutes
The driving distance from Washington, District of Columbia to Kitty Hawk, North Carolina is:269 miles / 433 km