It is 508 miles according to Google Maps.
The exact halfway driving distance point between Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and Chicago, Illinois, is Braceville, Ohio. The driving distance between Philadelphia and Chicago is 759 miles or 1,221 kilometers.
There are 168 miles between Chicago, IL and Matoon, IL.
There is a distance of 760.3 miles between Chicago Illinois and Philadelphia Pennsylvania. The estimated travel time between these two locations by car is 10 hours and 56 minutes.
150 miles
The air distance from Chicago, Illinois, to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, is 665 miles. That equals 1,071 kilometers or 578 nautical miles.
The flight distance from Chicago, Illinois to Frankfort, Kentucky is: 292 miles / 469 km
It is approximately 372 miles between Paducah, Kentucky and Chicago Illinois.
The flight distance from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia to Chicago, Illinois is: 9,278 miles / 14,931 km
The driving distance from Chicago, Illinois to Huntington, Indiana is 163 miles / 262 km
From Chicago, IL to Montreal, QC: Total Estimated Distance: 850.85 miles
About 104 miles.