21 Miles - 33 Km
The driving distance is approximately 140 road miles - about 3 hours of driving time, depending on your average speed and traffic conditions.
The driving distance from Goshen, Indiana to McKinney, Texas is about 985 miles.
It is 1,441 miles according to Google Maps.
Evansville, IN
The address of the Goshen Public Library is: 42 North St., Goshen, 06756 1544
The address of the Goshen Historical Society is: Po Box 671, Goshen, OH 45122-0671
The address of the Goshen Library And Historical is: 203 Main St, Goshen, NY 10924
The address of the Goshen Historical Society is: Po Box 457, Goshen, CT 06756-0457
The address of the Goshen Free Public Library is: 42 Main Street, Goshen, 01032 9608
The address of the Goshen N H Historical Society Inc is: C/O Town Of Goshen, Goshen, NH 03752
The address of the Goshen Historic Track is: 44 Park Pl, Goshen, NY 10924-2109